Episode 112: All-You-Can-Eat Buffets

Monday, October 22, 2018
We dive into the history of the all-you-can-eat (AYCE) buffets, from the well-designed Swedish smorgasbord to the ubiquitous and extravagant Las Vegas spreads. We also talk about how AYCE buffets are strategically designed to fill up the customer's belly quickly and cheaply. Plus, we discuss our favorite ThermoWorks Hotpad and Sugar Pumpkins.

Let's taco 'bout it!

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Let's taco 'bout it!

  • Harmon's Grocery E-Shop communicates back and forth, including a did-you-forget-anything? text. It's a nice option for a pickup grocery service in the Utah area.
  • Food Nerd Shoutout: Our writer and photography friend Keyra sported her Hungry Squared "Let's Taco 'Bout It" t-shirt while writing on her novel for NaNoWriMo. If you want to buy a t-shirt too, email us at hungrysquared@gmail.com
  • Let's Dig into the Kitchen Drawer: Sharon loves the colorful ThermoWorks Silicone Hotpad/Trivet. They work in so many instances. Sharon's rating: 5 out of 5 stars.
  • The buffet table is a piece of furniture where food was served, but eventually changed 
  • Bransvinnsbord, a Swedish spread to greet visitors, morphed into the smorgasbord, with all the food.

  • Herb McDonald was working one night at the El Rancho Vegas and was getting hungry, so he grabbed some cold cuts and cheese to make himself a sandwich behind the bar. Some people noticed and asked if they could have a sandwich too. He and El Rancho Vegas started the Buckaroo Buffet, which only cost $1. There are over 40 AYCE buffets in Las Vegas now!
  • In order for your ACYE to make money, you need to fill your customer's belly and you need to feed them 1) cheaply and 2) quickly.
  • Buy in bulk those things that are inexpensive and will fill up your customer's belly.

  • The AYCE buffet employs smaller plate and bowl sizes. Plate size affects your food consumption according to this article in the Oxford journal
  • Drinks are plentiful, including water and fizzy soda.
  • Forks and spoons are scarce, but chopsticks are plentiful since it slows eating rate down.
  • Starches, rice, potatoes, and all the veggies dominate the AYCE buffets, while the meat and dessert are in strategic places, surrounded by the other "filler" foods.

  • The exhibition stations with an attendant can also control how much meat is served.
  • The people faced away from the buffet, went to the buffet less.
  • Large groups that go to buffets, the types of eaters usually average themselves out.
  • Chuck-A-Rama, a local Utah AYCE buffet, was started by 3 brothers/brother-in-law. They were involved in the Boy Scouts of America and because of that, they knew they could make a lot of food for a lot of people. Chuck-A-Rama is a portmanteau of chuckwagon and Scout-A-Rama.
  • The Little America Hotel's buffet is a nice local buffet, especially for a holiday dinner.

  • Introducing Interesting Ingredients: If you want to roast your own pumpkins for pumpkin pies, you want to plant Sugar Pumpkins or Pie Pumpkins. They are smaller (6-11 inches) and sweeter than a Jack-O-Lantern type pumpkin. The pumpkin (or squash) that is usually used for Libby's Pumpkin Puree is a Dickinson Squash as we discussed in a previous episode.
  • Are you following us on Instagram or Facebook? Have you entered our contest for Archana's cookbook? It ends tonight, Monday, October 22, 2018 at 11:59 pm.

Run Time: 48 minutes

Sponsors: We have no sponsors for this episode. If you're interested in working with us, please contact us. We'd love to partner with you.


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